Cape Disappointment State Park, Washington

Cape Disappointment State Park, Washington

Therapy for Climate Anxiety & Climate Depression


As awareness grows of the disruption to the Earth’ climate, and its impact on ecosystems and human populations, more and more people report anxiety, depression, helplessness, and hopelessness about the state of our planet, and fear for future generations. This can be true not just for those actively engaged in climate activism and climate science, but also for everyday people concerned for their children or grandchildren, and for the ecological suffering they see in the news every day. While the number of people suffering from “eco-anxiety” or “climate depression” is increasing, they often feel alone or isolated in their concerns.

Climate therapy supports the expression of these climate-related emotions, and helps individuals and couples move in the direction of meaningful personal and collective action. As with all the types of psychotherapy we provide, the aim is face our feelings head on, with kindness and curiosity, and then to find ways, large and small, to integrate them into our lives in a healthy and meaningful way.

Climate- and ecosystem-related concerns we address include:

  • Climate Anxiety / Eco-Anxiety

  • Climate Depression

  • Ecological Grief / Climate Grief

  • Self-care for activists

  • Turning ecological despair and hopelessness into meaningful action

  •  Pre-Traumatic, anticipatory stress in the face of climate change

  • Family, relationship, and interpersonal difficulties related to climate-related decisions (consumption, career, activism)


Please contact Andrew Bryant, LICSW to find out more about therapy for this type of issue. You can also visit Andrew’s climate and mental health-related website, Climate & Mind, for additional information and resources related to these topics.